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MFA Textile Art

Stina Edin

Måndag i Maskenkrasch
Photo: Lea Kristoffersen Stuedahl

Måndag i Maskenkrasch (närbild 1)

Måndag i Maskenkrasch (närbild 2)

Måndag i Maskenkrasch Bindningen mellan konst och vetenskap

Måndag med Maskenkrasch

Måndag med Maskenkrasch (närbild 1)

Måndag med Maskenkrasch (närbild 2)

Mobile Baby

Mobile Baby

Mobile Baby

Spinn my Weave – a woven world in motion


Using an old map from middle school, I search for a missing head. I move up and down pixelated staircases between eye-spaces and ear-balconies with a dream of creating a textile sign language that makes both the human body and the world hang and hold together. In the woven world of Maskenkrasch, where it’s always Monday, I’ve hung old men with faces both known and unknown moving around the hub of a heavy root in a landscape of supernatural loom parts and double-woven letters. I wanted to weave a world that could listen but still it has only one ear.

The spatial design consists of weaves woven in a digital loom, an old wooden loom sawn into parts that have been burnt black and various everyday objects such as a life buoy, broken mirrors and electric cables. The work can take different forms and can therefore be rebuilt. Each version of the work has its own title – Mobile Baby, Monday with Maskenkrasch and Monday in Maskenkrasch. Movement, play and imagination are important components of the work