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Art Education

Rebeca Arwlén

Aesthetic learning processes in an art classroom – Investigation in a square context


My work is a written essay and the purpose of this essay is to make aesthetic learning processes visible in aesthetic subjects from a teacher perspective. Aesthetic learning processes is a multifaceted concept that is often highlighted as a method used in subjects other than the aesthetic subjects such as art. Therefore it is considered important to describe how teachers in aesthetic subjects such as the subject art relate to aesthetic learning processes in their teaching. The data is collected through semi-structured interviews with three art teachers at the upper secondary school. The theory for the analysis of the result is based on a socio-cultural perspective on learning and concepts such as appropriation, mediation, scaffolding, and the proximal development zone are used to analyze the result.

The result indicates that aesthetic learning processes in the art subject are made visible through an research of materials, technology and motifs. The teachers also describe the importance of guiding conversations and dialogue. The teachers also explain a contradiction between the free interstation that aesthetic learning processes are emphasized by and the school context where grading is an important part. In the discussion, conclusions are drawn that aesthetic learning processes are made visible by the teachers support to the student based on their proximal development zone and that knowledge development in the subject takes place through investigation of materials, techniques and motives, however, it is problematic to discuss at what level knowledge development takes place. The contradiction between aesthetic learning processes and assessment is discussed and a conclusion that the free investigation of aesthetic learning processes may not be possible in a school context is presented. The discussion of the results, however, concludes that aesthetic learning processes are multifaceted and that what the teachers describe in the interviews a version of aesthetic learning processes.