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BFA Film

Lina Vain Illalla

Photo: Antonio Ikovic

Photo: Antonio Ikovic

Photo: Antonio Ikovic

Photo: Antonio Ikovic

Photo: Antonio Ikovic

Photo: Antonio Ikovic

Photo: Antonio Ikovic

Photo: Antonio Ikovic

Photo: Antonio Ikovic


Temporary worker Emanuel, 35, is fired unexpectedly from his job as a home care worker. Tove, 40, who is on long term sick-leave, sits through a meeting with public authorities where she is repeatedly misgendered. Through parallel walks of life from morning until dawn, two individuals with a complicated history finally find the missing link between them and a true friendship is forged.

Lina Vain Illalla is a Swedish-Finnish writer-director. They grew up in southern Stockholm but built their adult life in Copenhagen. With a background as a comic artist, they have been working with film since 2015. Their films have been screened at several international film festivals, recently with “Baby Mommy” at the Norwegian Short Film Festival in 2020. Besides their exam film, they are in post-production of the short film “Safe Space” which is their interpretation of revenge porn.

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Lina Vain Illalla