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Kandidat Film

Javid Sina

Fotograf: Fredrik Fridlund

Fotograf: Fredrik Fridlund

Fotograf: Fredrik Fridlund

Fotograf: Fredrik Fridlund

Fotograf: Fredrik Fridlund

Fotograf: Fredrik Fridlund

Vem begraver en afghan

Denna text är bara tillgänglig på engelska

Two refugee siblings are separated in different parts of the world. The impossibility to meet in person due the pandemic, forces them to share their grief in diaspora, through an online call. In their grief, long kept secrets unfold and threatens their relation to tip over into hatred and guilt.

Javid Sina is a writer, director, producer and editor. He came to Sweden as a refugee in 2012. Shortly after arriving in Sweden, he started working as an actor and play writer in Uppsala theater 2013 and then he moved on to making film in 2017.

Artist Statement
” I have put duality away; I have seen that the two worlds are one”                                                                                                                                       Rumi

 I’m a writer, director, cinematographer, editor, working both for theatre and screen. In the world of cinema, I’m working with fiction films made for festivals, tv and cinema audience. I’m based in Gothenburg, but I’m working and collaborating almost all over Sweden.

I was born in war and raised in diaspora. As a refugee I wasn’t allowed to go to school. My parents decided to educate me at home. The education started with all the books we had at home. Those books were mostly world classic novels and poetries. I had to copy pages by hand writing from Chekov, Rumi and the others as homework. My interest in writing drama formed in my childhood. I was writing poems and short stories since I was 9 or 10.

To see other children, go to school while I had to go to work at an early age, made me think about my identity. Since I have never been part of a society, all of my movies and plays are about identity, loneliness and discrimination. My stories usually happen in one place and I’m really interested in examining humans’ behaviors by digging deep into a specific question. I believe that cinema is the art of connecting humanity.

My intention as a film maker is to be a bridge between west and east through my films. I believe the differences in two different parts of the world is interesting and beautiful for both sides as long as differences don’t appear as conflicts.

My biggest interest is to explore how a societal structure affects individuals. What is a decent life and who has the right to dictate it? Is this the society that make a person criminal or do individuals create the criminality in a society? As long as human exist, there will be conflict and dilemma and these are the themes that give me energy, inspiration and creativity to my film making.

My biggest inspiration today are classic novels, poetry and directors, Ingmar Bergman, Roy Andersson and Paul Thomas Anderson.


Javid Sina