Through a hyper-local material exploration the project aim to foreground the urgency of renegotiating our relationship to our planet. It furthermore aims to renegotiate our relationship to human waste and evidence its potentials as a material for designers to engage with.
Over a lifetime humans grow approximately 130m of head-hair. When cut off the hair is commonly considered useless and gross. The hair goes to landfills for incineration. Human hair is biodegradable, non-toxic and renewable. It’s a zero footprint material that is grown without emissions or need of additional resources.
In this project hair make up the material for products aiming to mediate the urgent need to re-think and re-imagine our exploitation of resources. Material Innovation is not only about inventing new materials, it is also about implementing new systems, approaches and methods in order to use raw materials in new and more efficient ways.
The material outcomes of this project are on the one hand a collection of objects but also a hyper-local system of production that aims to challenge attitudes to human-waste and point to alternative modes of production for sustainable futures.